PDFsam Visual is finally out!

We made it! We finally managed to release the first version of PDFsam Visual. Among the other modules you will have Crop, Combine and Reorder, Rotate, Extract and the Split by text that allows to split a document when a piece of text changes (invoice number, employee number etc).
Give it a try and let us know if you have any issue or feedback.

PDFsam 3.0.1 out!

We just released the new version 3.0.1 where you can ind a new merge bookmarks policy to create one entry for each merged document and add the document bookmarks tree to that entry. Improved notifications, some error message and tooltip/hint systems. Fixed few bugs in the UI and in the PDF engine. Updated translations.
Here is the list of what has changed.
You can find all the available bundles in the download section.

Finally 3.0.0.RELEASE!

PDFsam v3 is finally out! Few bug fixes, new website, new MSI for Windows and DMG for MacOS. This is the first stable release where everything that was in version 2.x has been rewritten and hopefully everything is better. As I said before this release doesn’t include visual modules, we are currently working on them (the old ones and many new ones) and we are also working on a new application that will include them.
As you can see PDFsam Enhanced is now our commercial offer, a flexible and powerful fully fledged PDF editor the we provide in partnership with Lulu Software and that will be the commercial companion supporting the free and open source PDFsam Basic.

PDFsam 3.0.0.M1 out!

I just released the first milestone for PDFsam v3. The workspace missing feature has been implemented together with few bug fixes and some useful user suggestions. Platform specific installers are still missing but you can test it anyway, just unzip the bundle and run it using the provided script in the bin subdirectory. Feel free to report any issue here and remember, it requires Java 8.

PDFsam 2.2.4 is out

I just released PDFsam 2.2.4 where PDF rotate is fixed and works again. Please let me know if there is any issue with it.

PDFsam 2.2.3 released

I had few unpublished changes on PDFsam 2.x so I decided to publish a new release. This is probably going to be the last 2.x release since v3 is getting closer and closer.
Let me know if there is any issue with it.

Finally, new release!

Hello guys,
I finally found some time to release the new version of PDFsam. I want to apologize for the long delay but, as some of you may know, I worked hard on another project (Sejda) in the past year and PDFsam was left a bit behind. Release 3 is not coming out any time soon so I decided to release version 2.2.2 with fixes to some of the most annoying bugs. Among the others:

  • Windows msi installation package supporting silent installation
  • New pdfsam-starter.exe and finally no more “javaw.exe not found” error message
  • Confirmation sounds are now working on Java 7
  • No more “invisible GUI” and crappy “delete gui-config.xml” workaround
  • Upgraded thumbnails generation libraries and langpack

As usual the new version can be downloaded here.
Please report back if you find any issue.

Finally Sejda has been released!

Hi All,
great news! After more then one year of development today we released Sejda!
You are probably asking “What the heck is Sejda?”. It’s a PDF manipulation layer written in Java. “uh?”. Ok, as many of you know I’ve been working on PDFsam for 6 years now and I realized at some point that the pdfsam-console (the component providing pdf manipulation capabilities to PDFsam) has some… mm… limitations.
Quoting Sejda FAQ:

I realized at some point that some of the design choices I made were unfortunate and the code base wasn’t inline with 2010 software development standards. PDFsam itself was/is working pretty well but maintenance was/is a bit of a hell so I made the choice, I started to rewrite the pdf manipulation logic with 5 years of experience on my shoulders and trying to keep a close eye on quality and best practices.

What are the advantages compare to the pdfsam-console?
Quoting again:

it has more features, it has a bigger team working on it (we are 2 now), it’s built trying to follow best practices from Joshua Bloch in Effective Java and Robert C. Martin in Clean Code, it’s easier to maintain and extend and it’s not tied to a single pdf manipulation library but it tries to take advantage of strength points of all of them

It’s not going to affect PDFsam in the short period but I’ll start to work on a new release using Sejda as manipulation library.

Now you may ask “why should I care NOW then?”. We developed and released a Command Line Interface together with Sejda called sejda-console. It provides a set of commands to manipulate PDF documents using all the features provided by Sejda and for all the ones of you using the pdfsam-console and brave enough to switch to the sejda-console, it may be a good opportunity to try it and give us back some feedback. To make it more interesting I have to say that the sejda-console provides some more functionalities compared to the pdfsam-console:

  • crop
  • pdf to tiff conversion (single or multiple output)
  • pdf to jpg conversion
  • text extraction
  • split by bookmark level where the bookmark matches a given regexp

We really hope to have feedbacks, opinions and suggestions from you, as you always did with PDFsam. You can find a lot of information, download link, javadocs etc at the Sejda webpage.

oh, of course Sejda is free and open source.

New ICEpdf thumbnails generation library

Hi, I just released an updated version of the ICEpdf thumbnails generation library using ICEpdf 4.1, it can be found in the download section.