PDFsam Basic 5.2.8 is out

We are happy to announce the release of PDFsam Basic 5.2.8. In this version you will find:

  • Sejda library upgrade to version 5.1.3 with performance improvements and few bug fixes
  • Updated translations
  • Better error message when the output file is not valid

Download PDFsam Basic 5.2.8.

PDFsam Visual 5.4.0

we recently released the new version 5.4.0 of PDFsam Visual where we upgraded dependencies and main framework with a number of improvements and fixes. The upgrade is free for subscription plan customers and for those who have a perpetual license valid for version 5 (key starting with PV5). PDFsam Visual can be downloaded from here and tested for 14 days, fully functional and without limitations.

New Release: PDFsam Basic 5.2.5

We’re pleased to announce the release of PDFsam Basic 5.2.5. This latest version includes:

  • Sejda library upgrade to version 5.1.1
  • Extract pages tool now supports last keyword in pages selection to extract the last page of the input files
  • Signed custom action dll used in Windows MSI installer

Download PDFsam Basic 5.2.5.

PDFsam Visual 5.0.0 released!

we recently released the new version 5 of PDFsam Visual with few new tools and a number of improvements and fixes. The upgrade is free for subscription plan customers and for those who have a perpetual license valid for version 5 (key starting with PV5). PDFsam Visual can be downloaded from here and tested for 14 days, fully functional and without limitations.
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PDFsam Basic version 5 released

we released the new major version 5 of PDFsam Basic. A lot of work has been done and many things changed compared to version 4, here is a summary:
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PDFsam Basic 4.3.4 released!

we just released the new PDFsam Basic 4.3.4 where we upgraded the bundled Java Runtime to version 11.0.17, we upgraded the PDF engine and translations. You can download this version from the download page.

PDFsam Visual version 4.1.1 is out

The new version 4.1.1 of PDFsam Visual has been released. We upgraded Electron and the PDF engine and the render engine to their latest version. All the upgraded versions contain a number of bug fixes, security fixes and improvements.
You can download it from the Download page.

PDFsam Visual 4.0.4 is out!

We just released the new version 4.0.4 of PDFsam Visual. In this version:

  • Upgraded Electron
  • Upgraded PDF engine
  • Offline activation tokens now use anonymized username
  • Failing tasks now show the PDF file that was processing and failed
  • Improved handling of broken PDF files where the PDF engine has to perform a full scan of the PDF objects
  • We now handle correctly those files containing garbage bytes at the beginning

You can download it from the Download page.

PDFsam Basic 4.3.1 released

we released the new version of PDFsam Basic where we upgraded translations and PDF engine.
We improved the handling of broken PDF files where the PDF engine has to perform a full scan of the PDF objects and we now handle correctly those files containing garbage bytes at the beginning.
As usual you can download it from the download section.