The new version 4.2.6 of PDFsam Basic is out. In this version we upgraded all the translations and the bundled Java version to the latest 11.0.12. You can download it from the download page.
Enhanced 4.1 and Basic 3.3.3 released
We just released the new PDFsam Enhanced 4.1 where we added a new color picker, performed some optimization, improvement and bug fixes; and the new PDFsam Basic v3.3.3 where we updated the underlying PDF engine, the user interface translation and we added a handy feature to set page range values for all the items in the selection table. Soon the new PDFsam Visual too.
PDFsam Visual 1.1.4
We just released the new version 1.1.4 for PDFsam Visual. You will find an updated PDF engine with many fixes, few fixes related to the user interface and the store of the user preferences, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese translations.
New 1.1.2 and 1.5.2 versions
The new versions are ready to be downloaded. In these versions you’ll find some bug fixes, some new console options, an updated langpack, the new “document properties” window and some enhancement.
The MacOS dmg archive will be available on Wednesday (1st of April).