PDFsam Basic 3.2.2
Ehm.. we broke something in 3.2.1 and translations aren’t working, we just released a fix, sorry for that.
1.1.0 and 1.5.0e released!
Hi everybody,
I just released the new versions 1.1.0 and 1.5.0e of PDFsam basic and enhanced. In these versions you’ll find a bugfix that should reduce (hopefully a lot) OutOfMemory errors, the Alternate Mix module added to the basic version, a restyle of the plugins layout, some new complex prefix, three new console commands (decrypt, slideshow and setviewer) and updated langpack, looks and iText.
The enhanced version has three new modules to decrypt PDF files, extract attachments from a PDF file and set viewer options on a PDF file to tell the viewer application how it should open it (fullscreen, outline, single page, two pages …..).
Even if these versions have been built over the 1.0.3 (and 1.4.3e) they are not flagged as stable because there are a lot of new features and changes.
New pdfsam-console license
The next PDFsam release (around Christmas) will come with the new pdfsam-console. Some new command (pdf decrypt, set viewer options on pdf and set transitions on pdf) will be added and it will be dual licensed (GLP and LGPL) to allow use in commercial software. It’s still open source but the LGPL is less restrictive and you can choose the license you prefer among GPL and LGPL.
Viewer options and slideshow
I started to work at the new enhanced features for PDFsam called vieweroptions and slideshow. Pdf format comes with the capability to let you set viewer options (you can set options on the pdf document on how the viewer should open the document like fullscreen, document outline, two pages …) and with a set of transition effects (dissolve, glide …) and options (effect duration, show page duration) to let you create a slide show with your pdf document.
Using fullscreen and the transitions you can have a pdf document working more or less like a MS Power Point presentation. I’ve never used MS Power Point but there are a lot of effects (much more than the 16 available with the pdf format) anyway, even with this limited set of effects, this feature could help you to have portable and good looking presentation. Both features will be added as a console command for the PDFsam basic and enhanced versions, and as GUI plugins for the enhanced version and they will be released after the new stable release, probably late in summer.