What’s new?
Most notably we restyled the whole application and added 4 new tools, Delete pages, Convert to grayscale, Extract text and Repair. We have also added few new options here and there, updated and revised all the translations. We have also updated the project page where you can find some details about the features and some screeshots. You can find a complete list of what is included in this version here.
Will my old license work?
Short answer is No. Licenses are perpetual and include updates for the main version purchased, so if you purchased a license for PDFsam Visual 1.x you can use it for any version 1.x but not for 2.x. You are not required to upgrade and your license will continue to work with the latest version 1.x (currently 1.1.8) that you can download from here.
Any discount for existing users?
Yes, we offer a 30% discount to existing users and to PDFsam Enhanced users, just write to us and we will send you the coupon code.
What else?
We have launched a PDFsam Visual Education program where we offer a 40% discount to students, Non Profit and public school teachers.
Buongiorno, abbiamo scaricato la nuova versione di PDF SAM, ma non ritroviamo tutte le precedenti funzionalità che ora sono diventate Premium. Abbiamo modo di ottenere la vecchia versione? grazie
Buongiorno, se intende la versione 2, quella con i thumbnails, la trova nella pagina di download https://pdfsam.org/download-pdfsam-basic/ in basso. Quella versione è vecchia di 5 o 6 anni e non è più supportata.
Thanks a lot.