PDFsam Basic 4.2.4 released

We released the new version 4.2.4 of PDFsam Basic. We upgraded Sejda SDK version and the bundled JRE to version 11.0.11. We also fixed an issue in the selection table where sorting by file name could lead to unexpected results.
You can download the latest version from the download page.

PDFsam Basic 4.2.3 is out

We just released the new version 4.2.3 of PDFsam Basic where we upgraded Sejda, the PDF engine, to its latest version. We fixed in Sejda a couple of issues related to the softmasks defined in ExtGState resources. They could lead to a missing softmask in the Split and Extract pages tasks, in very specific cases.
You can download the latest version from the download page.

PDFsam Basic 4.2.2 released

we released PDFsam Basic version 4.2.2. In this version, beside the usual PDF engine, translations nad bundled JDK updates, we implemented a couple of changes requested by our users:

  1. Application wide shortcut to execute the current task: Just press CTRL + X and the task will run.
  2. The numerical sorting policy of the selection table has been improved to consider trailing digits, this means that file 10.pdf will appear after file 2.pdf
  3. Default file name sorting is now locale sensitive and should yield better results (Ex. the _ character coming before other alphanumeric characters)
  4. Moving rows manually clears the currently selected sorting policy
  5. You can now click on the column header to set a sorting policy and then add the files, the files will be added sorted
  6. Linux portable bundle is now a tar.gz and retains files permissions

As usual you can get it from the download page.

PDFsam Enhanced 7 is out!

we released the new PDFsam Enhanced version 7 with a completely new and improved user interface! In this version you will also find the new Pro + OCR Advanced with a new and better OCR engine. We have also fixed a number of issues and implemented new user-reported features.

Read more…

PDFsam Basic 4.1.4 released

We just released the version 4.1.4 of PDFsam Basic. In this release we upgraded the bundled JDK to the latest Adopt OpenJDK 11.0.8, we have updated Sejda to its latest version with few bug fixes. We also updated the translations and fixed few bugs.
You can get it from the download page.

PDFsam Visual 2.1.7 released

We just released the new version 2.1.7 of PDFsam Visual. We fixed a couple of bugs related to the Open Folder button that wasn’t always working as expected. It also now always open the Explorer window in foreground.
You can download it from the download page.

PDFsam Basic 4.1.2 with Mac notarization

We just released the new PDFsam Basic 4.1.2. The main goal for this release was to provide a notarized .dmg package for MacOS so we did that (and it wasn’t really straightforward). We also upgraded Sejda and SAMBox, the underlying PDF engines, to their latest versions. We fixed few bugs in there and we improved the merge of AcroForms in some edge cases.
You can get it from the download page.

PDFsam Visual 2.1.4 is out

we just released the new PDFsam Visual. In this version we updated the PDF engine with few bug fixes and improvements, we fixed an issue in Merge and Alternate Mix with encrypted files, we added a new checkbox to the Extract Pages to let the task generate separate files for each selected page set. We also finally notarized the MacOS .dmg so that Catalina doesn’t scare the users away anymore.
As usual you can get it from the download page.

PDFsam Visual 2.1.3 released

The version 2.1.3 of PDFsam Visual has been released few days ago. In this release we fixed few issues in our PDF engine and we modified the Customize result names fields so that the latest value used is automatically saved and automatically restored on the next run . You can get it from the download page.