PDFsam Basic 4.2.2 released

we released PDFsam Basic version 4.2.2. In this version, beside the usual PDF engine, translations nad bundled JDK updates, we implemented a couple of changes requested by our users:

  1. Application wide shortcut to execute the current task: Just press CTRL + X and the task will run.
  2. The numerical sorting policy of the selection table has been improved to consider trailing digits, this means that file 10.pdf will appear after file 2.pdf
  3. Default file name sorting is now locale sensitive and should yield better results (Ex. the _ character coming before other alphanumeric characters)
  4. Moving rows manually clears the currently selected sorting policy
  5. You can now click on the column header to set a sorting policy and then add the files, the files will be added sorted
  6. Linux portable bundle is now a tar.gz and retains files permissions

As usual you can get it from the download page.