Since the release of PDFsam Basic 4 we had some support requests regarding the application being unusable and starting with a white screen on Windows.
After some investigation we found some tickets on the openjdk bug tracker here, here and few others, we tested the proposed workaround and it seems to have fixed the issue for those users experiencing the white screen.
A Few days ago we published the new major version 4.0.0 of PDFsam Basic. Beside the usual upgrades to the PDF engine and translations, few bug fixes and minor improvements, the main objective was to create a standalone self-contained application.
Some of you have written concerned about the new Java policy in which Oracle will not provide free updates to commercial entities as of January 2019. We decide to implement a batteries included solution, switching to OpenJDK 11 and creating a jlinked version of the Java runtime that is now included in PDFsam Basic 4.0.0.
They are Windows launchers for PDFsam Basic, our free and open source application to split and merge PDF files.
PDFsam Basic is written in Java and requires a Java Runtime Environment to run (pretty much like a C# application requires .NET framework installed, a Python application requires a Python interpreter etc etc). Read more…