Hi everybody,
I just released the first alpha test version of the branch 2 (both basic and enhanced). With this version you’ll find the two new visual plugins that will let you visually reorder pages of a PDF file, or visually compose a document by merging pages taken from other documents. All the visual things are based on the JPodRenderer library. It’s a test version and load/save environment functions don’t work yet but everything else should work. You’ll find also the new console where I added the -d option to the concat command to merge PDF files found in an input directory and I added the chance to set a starting value for the [FILENUMBER] prefix (Ex. [FILENUMBER13] or [FILENUMBER###13]). This version require a JVM 1.6.
Let me know your feedbacks

11 Replies to “New 2.0.0 alpha version out”
  1. Hi Andrea,

    I just needed this application and fortunately it was all on top with Google. Split and merge. Wonderful! Works like a miracle! Great!
    Thanks. I used 2.0.0, no problems detected. I’ll look into it in more detail soon.

  2. Hello,

    I have tried to download the software; however, when I click on the icon after installation, an error says that Windows cannot find ‘javaw.exe’.

  3. Check the FAQ section (Question number 19). The only difference is that pdfsam 2.0.0 require a Java Virtual Machine 1.6

  4. The 2.0.0 version is beautiful! Thank you for your work on it!

    My only issue I’ve found so far is: Split At This Size. The error I get says, among other things: “Caused by org.pdfsam.console.exceptions…” and then “Unnecessary option -bl for the selected split mode”. Other split features work without error. I’m not sure what is going on with this one.

    Thanks again!

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