Hi, here is a simple tip to remind you how page selection works. When merging pdf files you’ll often need to merge only a subset of the document (a chapter, some pages..). PDFsam supports page selection in the form of comma separated values where they can be single pages or page ranges. Page numbers cannot be duplicated and page ranges cannot intersect, a page range with open end is also supported (Ex. 10- means from page ten untill the end of the document). To set the selection on a pdf input document you want to merge, you can double click the page selection cell and input some valid page range.
Examples of valid page selections:
Examples of invalid page selections:
I have succesfully merged pages containing single tunes music notation in pdf format. Is there any way I can move text/notation from one page to another within the merged pages to form a page containing several tunes ?
Hi, I should merge 5000 pdf pages (invoices) from this year to one (1!) document. so, if we’re searching something we can find it in the document. Do you know if PDFsam is the right tool for that?
Hi Roland,
it’s a lot of documents and you might need to tweak a bit with the memory but yes, that’s what PDFsam does. I guess you can just download PDFsam and give it a try, if some issue arise just let me know and we can try to figure it out.