Hi, I just released an updated version of the ICEpdf thumbnails generation library using ICEpdf 4.1, it can be found in the download section.

3 Replies to “New ICEpdf thumbnails generation library”
  1. Hi,
    In my case, JPodRenderer plugin doesn’t work : thumbnails with yellow signals and “Thumbnail error” message.
    With your New ICEpdf thumbnails generation library it works !
    Have you an idea of what’s wrong ?
    Ps : Great soft !


    Netbook Samsung N220 / Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop
    PDFSam donate version (2.2.0e)

  2. Do all the thumbnails show up with “Thumbnail error” or just some?

    If a page is very complicated to render, the memory needed for the render process may be insufficient and the “Thumnail erro” occurs. You can try to increase the memory that is available to pdfsam with the -Xmx command line option. For example if you add -Xmx1024m you will have 1Gig of memory for the process and viewer errors should occur. If all pages (even a simple pdf text page) show up with the error there is probably something else wrong.


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