Organize your PDF pages with PDFsam Visual. Drag and drop pages to sort them or move them, delete pages, add blank pages.
How can you rearrange PDF pages?
PDFsam Visual offers a quick and easy tool to rearrange PDF pages with just a few clicks. You can organize pages by changing their order, adding pages from other PDF files, deleting pages, adding blank pages and even adding images as new pages. Your files are processed locally on your computer, away from prying eyes.
- Open the Organize pages tool
- Drag and drop or select the PDF file you want to rearrange
- Move the page thumbnails to set the desired order
- Click
Additional features
In addition to rearranging the pages of PDF files, you can use the Organize pages tool to add blank pages, rotate pages and add pages from other PDF files or add images (.png, .tif, .jpg, .webp, .avif. ..) that PDFsam Visual will automatically convert to PDF.
Sort pages
There a different ways to sort PDF pages using PDFsam Visual:
- Rearrange pages manually by drag and dropping thumbnails to the desired order
- Reverse all pages order
- Select a subset of pages and reverse them
I get a file with different invoices on each page, kindly advise if sorting can base on the invoices to new page sequence? Many thanks in advance
if you would like to sort based on some data inside the pages, I’m afraid we don’t have that feature. I will add it to our backlog to be evaluated.
What are the number of pages and file size limits for PDF Visual SAM?
I have a 129MB file with 1,311 pages to reorganize.
I use a Dell 5525 Inspiron.
It will work?
It should, there is no explicit limit set but it could have memory problems with very big files. Yours looks like something it should handle.
I was able to do it with several programs including PDFSam. We got one big 3000 page pdf of a church’s giving statements. Some were 1page, 2 page, 3 page, etc.
I had Acrobat Professional look for the “Thank you” verbage on the person’s last page. I exported the results as a CSV file. For example The last page for each person might look like this: 2,5,8,12,15.
I opened that into OpenOffice/Excel. Did a computation to figure out how many pages each statement was since we know where each last page is. That number was now in a column. I sorted the Spread sheet by this new “page count”. Or I think I did a “filtered” view of the 2pp, 3pp, 4pp, 5pp and 1page. I got some range of pages from that data like “1-2, 3-4, 6-9, 10-12…” I used that data range in PDFSam’s Extract.
I think I then ran it on the entire pdf, extracting the 5pp (auto deleting as I go) , then the 4pp, 3pp, 2pp. What was left were all the 1 pagers.