PDFsam Basic 3.1.0 has been released today. You will find the new PDF Extract module, page selection in the PDF Rotate module, an upgrade to our PDF engine with bugfixes and performance improvements, and finally you can now use PDF files generated by one module, as input for another one with just one click.

7 Replies to “PDFsam 3.1.0 is out”
  1. So you’ve taken out features to move into a paid for version, and reduce the basic version to an even more basic version…. nice

    1. I guess we all have to pay our bills.
      Just for clarity, we also worked on SAMBox, a free and open source fork of PDFBox https://github.com/torakiki/sambox and we committed and reported back to PDFBox (which is free and open source) whatever was possible, we created a free and open source command line interface https://github.com/torakiki/sejda which now has 30 PDF tasks available, we created few other free and open source library https://github.com/torakiki/event-studio https://github.com/torakiki/sejda-io… we wrote the new free and open source PDFsam Basic and, thanks to SAMBox, we were able to add options/features to the existing tasks like AcroForms fields renaming, ToC generation, bookmarks handling. BTW everything is also available as a web application at http://www.sejda.com/ with a very relaxed free tier.
      So yes, we did move some feature from the free version to the paid one, on the other hand I think we give back our fair share of free and/or open source “stuff”

  2. Robert: Its no better being a paid user.

    Currently my copy of the program has supposedly been updating for over four days and it has not moved from the main program let alone all the add-ons. At this rate it will still be updating at christmas !!

  3. I’m very unhappy what happened to the basic edition in 3.x. In past there was a preview on the files that should be merged and my users are complaining a lot about this missing previews as it makes merging the files in correct order *very* difficult. Please add the small previews back into basic edition.. Thanks a lot!!!

  4. I used to love this program. Now I cannot split my pdf files as it says they are an older version of PDF. A huge disappointment.

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